Boğaziçi University Mouse Dynamics Dataset
Mouse dynamics is a hot topic under study in session-based authentication and intrusion detection in privileged access management systems. We contribute to this topic, which develops with the increase of big data capabilities, with a data set that is missing in the field. This data article describes an extensive dataset with free usage mouse dynamics data. This dataset has 7 variables and 24 users with 2550 hours of active usage data. Each user has training data, internal attack test data, and external attack test data. An application in Python programming language that continuously listens to mouse movements and mouse clicks and writes them into a file with a timestamp, foremost window name, and mouse action details, is implemented. Among 24 unique users, we labeled 5 users with the least amount of data as external users since their data would be weak for training purposes and we can test external threat detection. Each user has training data consist of 12 days with the most frequent mouse usage and reminder days of data are used for internal attack test data. This dataset is highly suitable for testing the under-development procedures against the insider threat, remote unauthorized access, and physical access.