Parental Influences on Aggression: A Comparative Study with Homosexual and Heterosexual Adults

Published: 24 March 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/w6gdmw9ty5.1
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The current data set aimed to compare the tendency for aggression and its familial and other predictors in homosexual and heterosexual Turks. It was seen that the total BPAQ score and verbal aggression and anger scores in the homosexual group were statistically higher than the heterosexual group. When the distribution of the groups according to their PARI scores was examined, significant differences were found in the subscales of rejection of the homemaking role and marital conflict-incompatibility (p<0.05). In the regression analyses performed, it was observed that the mean BPAQ score of homosexual adults was affected by their age, status of living with their families, exposure to verbal and physical violence due to their homosexuality, the attitudes of their acquaintances not wanting to meet with them after their sexual disclosure, and the situation of receiving judicial punishment (F(6,134): 6,234; p=0,000, p<0.01). These six predictive independent variables included in the final regression model developed were found to explain 21.8% of the total variance of total BPAQ scores (R=,467, R2=0,22,, p<0.01).


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The Family Life and Parental Attitude Research Instrument and the Buss Perry Aggression Questionnaire were used to collect data for this cross-sectional and correlational study of 295 adults. Sociodemographic Data Form: It consisted of 48 multiple choice and open-ended questions that aimed to examine characteristics such as age, gender, job, marital status, income level, presence of any physical or psychiatric disease, perceived trauma (time, frequency, duration, presence of body injury), psychiatric history in the family, and substance use. This form was developed by the research team. The Buss–Perry Aggression Questionnaire (BPAQ): It is a 34-item instrument consisting of five-point Likert-type responses and subscales that were developed by Buss and Warren to determine anger and hostility (Buss & Perry, 1992). Evaluation of the scale is based on the total score and the scores of physical aggression, verbal aggression, anger, and hostility subscales. It is accepted that aggression gets higher as the score obtained is increased. A total score of 58 and below indicates "low", a score range of 59-110 indicates "normal" and 111 points and above indicates a "high" level of aggression. The lowest score that can be obtained from the scale is 34, and the highest score is 170. The Family Life And Child-Rearing Attitude Scale (PARI): PARI was developed by Schaefer and Bell (1958) to evaluate parents' feelings about family life and their children. This scale, with 60 four-point Likert-type items, has subscales of overprotective mothering, democratic attitude and granting equality, rejection of homemaking role, marital conflict-incompatibility, and rigid discipline. An increase in scores of the subscales other than democratic indicates negative maternal attitudes. Statistical analysis of the data was performed with SPSS 26 software within a confidence interval of 95%. The statistical significance level in the study was accepted as p<0.05. After assuming the normality of the distribution of data, the differences between groups were analyzed by the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test. In regression analysis, the forward elimination method was used in which variables were included in the model based on their predictive power. The applicability of the model was confirmed by colineary tolerance (>0.2), Variance Influention Factor (<10.0) and Durbin Watson autocorrelation coefficients (1.5>….> 2.5).


Ege Universitesi


Family, Aggression, Sexual Orientation
