Data for: Brucellosis in an adult female from Fate Bell, Shelter (4,000-1,300 BP)
Published: 31 January 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/w7bkg99gp6.1
Christine JonesDescription
The first file is a movie (.mov) of a 3d model of lumbar vertebrae 1 through 5 created from a CT scan of a prehistoric adult woman with probable brucellosis from Fate Bell Shelter. The CT scan was taken using a GE Medical systems Discovery (MI) CT scanner (slice thickness 0.625) at the Image Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin. The second file is the same data as the movie but in mesh format (.mix) created using Meshmixer.
Paleopathology, Osteology, Brucellosis