Barden, Genetic Parameters and Metabolic Markers of Claw Horn Lesion in Holstein Cows, 2022

Published: 27 June 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/w82dw5skn8.1
Matthew Barden


Supplementary data for thesis (June 2022) Chapter 5 Supplementary Table 5.1. Results of univariable analysis with Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Data were analysed in 17 prespecified subsets split by time point, parity, and outcome definition; the control group in all cases were animals without sole lesions, cases were either cases of sole new haemorrhage (New SH), cases of new sole ulcers (New SU), those two groups combined (New SH/SU) or all cases of sole ulcers (All SU). P-values were corrected for multiple testing within each subset with a Bonferroni correction to (i.e. 0.05/number of variables). Supplementary Table 5.2. Stability of variable selection including the mean log (base 2) fold-change (Log2FC) and the baseline stability thresholds (T99 and T100, equivalent to an expected 1% and 0% false positive rate, respectively). Data were analysed in 17 prespecified subsets split by time point, parity, and outcome definition; the control group in all cases were animals without sole lesions, cases were either cases of sole new haemorrhage (New SH), cases of new sole ulcers (New SU), those two groups combined (New SH/SU) or all cases of sole ulcers (All SU). Chapter 6 Supplementary Table 6.1. Pearson correlation between genetic indexes. Supplementary Table 6.2. Multivariable logistic regression screening for associations between all genetic indexes and claw horn lesion presence or lameness (N = 2,107). Results are presented as the odds ratio and 95% confidence interval for the genetic index, adjusted for parity and herd.



University of Liverpool


Animal Genetics, Dairy Cattle, Bovine Disease
