Mammal Species Inventory - Tswalu Kalahari Reserve: Report 1 November 2018 to May 2019
SnapshotSafari is a transnational program aiming at providing a greater knowledge about mammal populations across southern Africa. Thanks to standardized camera traps (CTs) grid, deployed in various locations reflecting a diversity of conservation states (from protected areas to highly transformed areas), SnapshotSafari aims at describing mammal population abundances, diversities and spatial occurrences. The data provided will benefit Research, in fields as broad as Genetics, Ecology or conservation Biology, as well by providing to conservation planning a comprehensive synthesis of which species can be found in their location, with which abundance...etc. The project is coordinated in South Africa by Nelson by Mandela University’s Wildlife Ecology Lab. The images collected by the CTs (as much as thousands per site) are sent to the United States (University of Minnesota) to be processed via a participative science platform (Zooniverse) and machine learning (a popular IT field that allows automatized recognition of elements in an image, for instance antelopes in a landscape photo).