coastal engineering and management

Published: 26 December 2016| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/w894d6w2gr.1
suyuti marzuki


In this study will be an assessment of the process of sedimentation that result from the interaction of waves, coastal currents, wind, contour Losari beach in Makassar South Sulawesi Province method approach Surface Water Modeling System (SMS ver. 8.0) and the overlay satellite image landsat 7-ETM year 1996 and 2002on Geogrhapic Information System (SIG). Suspended sediment spreding and seabed sediment change analysed by SMS 8.0.The first stage of the analysis had been done by set a limit on the boundary/training area are: longitude coordinates: 1190 21’ – 1190 25’ East and Latitude: 50 7’ – 50 13’ South. The boundary undergoes some adjustment at the both methods that used in this research. Suspended sediment samples taking began from around the delta until the JeneberangRiver (LS1 to LS7). The sediment measuring result was compared by suspended sediment from running result of module SMS (SED2-WES) and overlay analysis result of the image Landsat 7-ETM (1996 and 2002).The supreme current velocity had happened at the LS1(0.079 m/s)and LS2(0.001 m/s). Beside of those,LS4 and LS6 was between 0.00 - 0.03 m/s and thenLS3, LS5 and LS7 was between 0.00 – 0.019 m/s. The suspended sediment concentrationat each site observation had been increase with difference fluctuation according to the tides data. The sediment concentration accumulation until the end of the time step (72) at station LS1 = 8.63 ppm, LS2 = 6.34 ppm, LS3 = 3.28 ppm, LS4 = 3.79 ppm, LS5 = 1.69 ppm, LS6 = 0.94 ppm and LS7 = 0.60 ppm.Moreover the sediment classification resulted measurement result at each class could be getting in: LS1=14.30; LS2=17.00; LS3=3.65; LS4=11.42; LS5=9.12; LS6=5.54 and LS7=6.32. Whereas the result of analysis on landsat image overlay divided up into five classes for image year 1996 (class 1= 0, class 2= 0 – 4.74 ppm; class 3= 4.74-11.85 ppm; class 4= 11.85-12.91; class 5= 12.91-15.35; class 6= 15.35-22.46) and year 2002 (class 1= 0, class 2= 0 – 13.65 ppm; class 3= 13.65-13.98 ppm; class 4= 13.98-14.73; class 5= 14.73-15.59; and class 6= 15.59-18.84 ppm).


Steps to reproduce

This research divided into two main stages are: firstly, Surface Water Modelling System (SMS 8.0) used to analysis the sediment, current pattern andoverlay satellite landsat image 7-ETM (year 1996 and 2002) for analysingthe suspended sediment classification, grade of sedimentation/abrasion. The secondly, the area, sediment classes and beachline change using ER Mapper 6.4 and ArcView 3.3 with image analyze 1.1 (Jones, 1997).   Data and Software requirements The data needs on the SMSmodelling and overlay image landsat 7-ETMare: a) Bathymetry data, required to get the illustration of seabed contour (Betingger and Wing., 2004). The data required as a beginning input on doing the SMS analyzing (King, 1997).The bathymetry data obtained from LPI map. b) Landsat Image ETM-7 required year 1996 and 2002 (Short, 1990) band 1, 2,3,4,5 and 7 with level 1 gigabytethat obtained from LAPAN (National institute of Aeronautics and Space). c) The LPI Hardcopy map scale 1:50.000 of Makassar City No 2010-1 (source of map: SPOT TM 1997 zone UTM 50) with digital data from BAKOSURTANAL (National Coordinating Agency for Surveys and Mapping) with legend map are: LPI map sheet number 2010-1 year 1993, scale 1:50.000, UTM grid system and datum 1974.The mapas a geometric correction reference for landsat image analyzing (Budhiman, 2004). d) The tidesdata, required as an input of SMS to get the current tide pattern and to decide the water level elevation planning. Tides data recorded by AWS (automatic weather station)from Meteorology and Geophysical agency (BMG) Paotere Makassar with time intervalrecordingwithin 3 x 24 hour. e) River debit data, required as an input boundary condition (BC) on SMS to get the current pattern and sediment models (King, 1997 and Triatmadja, 2001). The river debit data of JeneberangRiver and Patompo canal as an outfall into Losari Beach Makassar. f) Suspended sediment concentration and types of sediment as a comparison of SMS results and the overlay landsat image 7-ETM (Lyzenga, 1981; Hedle, and Mumby, 2003; Budhiman, 2004 and Purwadhi, 2001).


Action Research
