Retrograde bladder filling after laparoscopic gynecologic surgery

Published: 18 August 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/w8b9ph9srx.1
Andrew Zakhari, Wusun Paek, Wilson Chan, Darl Edwards, John Matelski, M. Jonathon Solnik, Ally Murji


After outpatient gynecologic surgery, many patients take a long time to void their bladders, which is a common criteria they must meet prior to discharge from hospital. This delay is likely due to the fact that indwelling urinary catheters keep the bladder empty, which then takes time to refill and enable the patient to void. We theorized that retrofilling the bladder with fluid prior to completion of surgery would expedite patient's first void, and subsequently discharge from hospital. Gathered data: - Baseline demographics - operative characteristics - Operative time and intra-operative medications - Time to first void from arrival to post-anesthetic care unit (PACU) - Time of discharge from PACU - post-operative complications in the first post-operatrive week (by phone call questionnaire) All the mentioned data was collected on the day of surgery using data collection forms from the patient and the chart as needed. Electronic medical records were reviewed for any incomplete data elements.



