Dataset for International Research Collaboration in Top Education & Educational Journals, 2015-2019
This dataset is for an authorship analysis of articles published 2015-2019 in the top five Education & Educational Research journals (Review of Educational Research, Educational Psychologist, Computers & Education, Internet and Higher Education, and Educational Research Review), as part of a larger international research collaboration project ( Given the rise in co-authorship in Social Sciences (Henriksen, 2018), and Education and Educational Research in general (Henriksen, 2016), and the importance of internationalisation in many countries, it is important to gain a deeper understanding of whether this also extended to international co-authorship amongst articles published in these five journals (n = 1441). This analysis will include an investigation of co-authorship and international research collaboration patterns across the past five years, including country collaboration partnerships (see Kwiek, 2019). All article data were first downloaded from the Web of Science and uploaded into EPPI-Reviewer. They were then cross-checked with the individual journal websites and hand-coded on year, publication, number of authors, country (of all authors), and the type of collaboration (international, national, institutional, no collaboration).