Attentional processing of disgust and fear and its relationship with contamination-based obsessive-compulsive symptoms

Published: 8 April 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/w9mwmbzwrh.1
Jakob Fink, Andreas Widmann, Konstantin Sering, Erich Schröger, Cornelia Exner


'data.frame': 8064 obs. of 12 variables: $ VP = Participant Number: Factor w/ 48 levels $ PI = PI Washing Score (C-OCS): integer $ BDI = Depression Score: integer $ STAI = Anxiety Score: integer $ Block = experimental Block: Factor w/ 4 levels "1","2","3","4" $ EmoCond = Emotional Condition: Factor w/ 3 levels "disgust","fear", "neutral" $ Bildnr = Picture Number: integer $ resp = Response Factor w/ 2 levels "correct","wrong" $ RT = Reaction Times: number $ HRC = Heart Rate Change: number $ CML = m. levator labii change: number $ CMD = m. corrugator supercilii change: number


Steps to reproduce

# reaction times below 100 ms classified as left_out


Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Disgust, Fear, Contamination
