Supplementary data for the article "The formation of the trinitites unveiled by their oxygen and silicon isotopic compositions."

Published: 23 December 2024| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/w9ybdfhhgr.3
Nathan Asset, Marc CHAUSSIDON, Christian KOEBERL,
, Francois ROBERT


The data file named "Supplementary data GCA Trinity" shows the triple oxygen and silicon isotope compositions of the three trinitite samples with their associated chemical compositions. The isotopic analyses were realized with the Cameca ion microprobe IMS 1270-E7, at CRPG-CNRS, Nancy. The chemical compositions were analyzed with the Cameca SX-five electron microprobe, at the Camparis platform, Paris. The 5 supplementary figures are in the file "Supplementary Material Figure GCA". In this file, the three figures that show the repartition of our isotopic composition in the three samples, are in low resolution. So, individual PNG files showing the high-resolution versions of these three figures were added to this depository.



Geochemistry, Cosmochemistry
