Bilingual Proficiency Effects in Paired Associate Learning of Vocabulary in an Unfamiliar Language

Published: 29 January 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/wbwsk44pwb.1
Wendy Francis,


This data set is reported in an article with the same title to be published in Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. Briefly, it reports the performance of English monolingual and Spanish-English bilingual participants on vocabulary learning in an unfamiliar language, Swahili. Words were studied using a paired-associate learning task with translation pairs. Bilinguals learned using each of their two languages on separate sets of Swahili words. Tests included cued recall with Swahili cues, cued recall with Swahili responses, and associative recognition. There was no evidence for more efficient learning in bilingual participants relative to monolingual participants, but objectively-assessed language proficiency in the mediating language was correlated with accuracy. The files below include 3 folders of individual participant data files in Excel format; A file with trial level recall data for all participants; a file with participant-level data for recall, recognition, reported strategies, and key participant variables; Excel files with demographic, language assessment, language background, and reported strategy data; code used for the LME analysis; and a report of results obtained using ANOVA for comparison of effect sizes with previous research. Note that stimuli are available in Appendix A of the article in which the data are reported.



University of Texas at El Paso


Associative Memory, Bilingualism, Word Learning
