Exhaustive in vitro evaluation of the 9-drug cocktail CUSP9 for treatment of glioblastoma using COMBImageDL. Label-free live-cell imaging data for the second replicate 384-well plate (barcode 9095) containing all single drugs (at one fixed concentration each) and all plausible drug combinations up to order 4 from the CUSP9 protocol as add-on to standard-of-care Temozolomide, using the human glioblastoma cell line M059K. 22 grayscale images/frames of size 800x992 were acquired per experimental well, one every 4h for 84h, starting without treatment at 0h. The first and second channel of each frame contain the original grayscale pixel values, while the third one contains the binary segmentation map (foreground vs. background) generated with a modified version of the deep convolutional neural network architecture U-Net. M059K_190429_9095.xlsx: Excel file containing the experimental layout designed for plate 9095 and used to produce the corresponding transfer scheme for acoustic liquid dispension.