Design of Mechanical Strength, Creep, and Triaxial Shear of Recycled Aggregate Concrete - Data-Driven Method Database
Published: 4 December 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/wc898ff5pj.1
, Description
Dataset 1 includes data from 400 RAC samples, recording parameters compressive strength of RAC, and elastic modulus of aggregates. Dataset 2 comprises 238 data points obtained from measuring sample dimensions and temperature, confining pressure, back pressure applied during triaxial shear tests. Dataset 3 collects 234 data points on the variation of elastic modulus of RAC concrete over curing time. Dataset 4 consists of 956 data entries documenting mix proportions It also records the compressive strength. This data will be used to write review articles, research papers, case studies, and commentaries, and the source of the data is noted in the data set.
Universiti Malaya, University of Birmingham
Concrete (Composite Building Material), Compression Load