Data for: A time-sorting pitfall trap and temperature datalogger for the sampling of surface-active arthropods.
Supplemental file list “A time-sorting pitfall trap and temperature datalogger for the sampling of surface-active arthropods.” Parts List Epitfall_partsList.xslx – spreadsheet of parts needed for construction, prices, and vendors CAD Epitfall_sampleWheel2d.dwg – 2D CAD file of sampling wheel Epitfall_sampleWheel2d.pdf - PDF version of 2D CAD file of sampling wheel Epitfall_sampleWheel3d.dwg - 3D CAD file of sampling wheel Epitfall_sampleWheel3d.stl – File for 3D printing of sampling wheel Example Data TRAP2.TXT – example data created by pitfall trap TRAP5.TXT – example data created by pitfall trap community_matrix_EMPTY.csv – empty matrix with rows of sampled time intervals with unique sample ID codes. This file is generated by “Epitfall_dataPull.R” community_matrix_FULL.csv – same as above, but with ant identities and abundances entered. Software Epitfall_24hourlySamples.ino – Arduino script to delay start time by 1 day, collect 24 hourly samples, with temperature measurements every 5 minutes during sample collection Epitfall_dataPull.R – R script to read data files from trap, create summaries of each sampling interval, and create an empty spreadsheet with rows of unique sample ID’s in which to enter arthropod abundance data. Wiring Epitfall_wiringDiagram.fzz – Fritzing file of wiring schematic Epitfall_wiringDiagram.png – image of wiring schematic