Data for the Solar DER investment study for MWANI Qatar building at Hamad Port

Published: 27 January 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/wcggfjyvjt.1
Adel Karama


The data are for my research for the benefits of adding solar PV power with battery storage to a commercial building; hence, a full year of hourly data of electrical load in KW for a typical commercial building in Washington were collected from the Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE). The demand charge is assumed to be $20/KW with the energy charge of $0.12/kWh and carbon intensity of a kWh for Washington to be .0003 lbs/KWh. The Peak demand per month with the monthly hourly sum for each month were calculated and then multiplied by the demand and energy charges for the total utility bill per month. Those calculations were subtracted from the monthly output of the selected 250W Solar PV reaching a yearly savings for the facility of 269,676‬ KWh/yr whcih is equivalent to $33,217.52 and a 98% CO2 reductions as well



Solar Power Generation, Electricity Saving
