Lamentowicz, M., Marcisz, K., Guzowski, P., Gałka, M., Diaconu, A.C., Kołaczek, P. 2020. How Joannites’ economy eradicated primeval forest and created anthroecosystems in medieval Central Europe. Sci Rep 10:18775.

Published: 16 March 2021| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/wdfhnj2dy6.3
Mariusz Lamentowicz


Site Description. Pawski Ług is an ombrotrophic Sphagnum-dominated peatland located in western Poland in the Łagów Lakeland (52°19′45″N, 15°16′30″E). The area is covered by morainic hills and a number of small glacial lakes. The peatland covers an area of 3.67 ha, and its vegetation is currently dominated by Sphagnum fallax, S. angustifolium, and other species typical for raised bogs: Drosera rotundifolia, Oxycoccus palustris, Eriophorum vaginatum, and Ledum palustre. The peatland is surrounded by the mixed forest mainly composed of Quercus, Fagus sylvatica, and Pinus sylvestris. Pawski Ług is protected as a nature reserve since 1970. The proxies analyses are: - Pollen - Plant macros - Testate amoebae - Macrocharcoal - Microcharcoal



Peat, Paleoecology
