Published: 20 June 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/wft9s4w32s.1
, Esthella ekong,


The dataset details the composition of the drilling fluids considered, includes images of all materials for easy identification in case of replication, and provides raw and analyzed data on the rheological properties of all the drilling fluids considered. It also includes density and pH readings, filtration properties, and results from characterization. Additionally, templates for replication are provided.


Steps to reproduce

1. The oil drilling grade CMC was characterized using the FTIR spectrometer to identify the functional groups present and certify it viable for use, as seen in Figure I. 2. Drilling fluid A, which is only water and bentonite was prepared as a base case drilling fluid to be compared with drilling fluid C, which is a composition of water, bentonite, and CMC, to determine the effect of CMC on bentonite, and drilling fluid B, a mixture of water, bentonite, caustic soda, and barite was prepared as a base case drilling fluid to be compared with drilling fluid D, which is a composition of water, bentonite, barite, caustic soda, and CMC to determine the behaviour of CMC with other additives[10], were prepared following the composition in table 1. It was ensured that the CMC was first diluted in warm water before it was used. It was also ensured that the drilling fluid was mixed with a mud mixer till it became homogenous fluid. 3.Following that, raw data on the viscosity of the drilling fluids were collected and recorded using an OFITE viscometer as seen in Table 2. With these readings, the PV, YP and AV of all drilling fluids were calculated using equations 1,2 and 3 and recorded in Table 3. This data will be helpful when analyzing the fluid using the different rheological models. The density of each drilling fluid was measured using a mud balance and recorded in Table 4. While measuring the density of the drilling fluids, it was ensured that the mud balance was packed to the brim to prevent air bubbles from interrupting the readings. The body of the mud balance was cleaned to avoid interruptions with the density measurements. Also, the pH of the drilling fluids was measured using a pH meter and recorded in Table 4. It was ensured that the pH meter was calibrated correctly and cleaned adequately before and after each drilling fluid to avoid erroneous readings. 4.The filtration properties, which are the filtrate volume and the filter cake thickness of each drilling fluid, were determined at LPLT using the OFITE LPLT filter press and recorded as seen in Table 5 and at HPHT and recorded as seen in Table 6 to Table 14. The pressure of the filter press was kept constant at 1500 psi. The temperature was varied from 25 degrees Celsius to 200 degrees Celsius at intervals of 25 degrees Celsius When the necessary temperature was obtained, the filter press's heater was turned off for 30 minutes while the filtrate measurements were taken, and at 200 degrees Celsius, the available filter cake was removed. Images of available filter cakes were captured. 5.The rheological models used in this study are the Bingham plastic model, the Power law model and the Herschel-Bulkley model as seen in equations 4,5 and 8, and working parameters for each of the drilling fluids are seen in tables 3, 15, 16 and 17. These equations and parameters can be analyzed quickly with Microsoft Excel.


Covenant University


Drilling Fluid
