Prominent CD8 + T cell responses are directed at novel conserved influenza B virus epitopes across anatomical sites and age groups

Published: 25 March 2024| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/wg7swwf6jr.3
Tejas Menon


The files in this data repository contain the T cell receptor sequences described in the following study: Prominent CD8+ T cell responses are directed at novel conserved influenza B virus epitopes across anatomical sites and age groups Tejas Menon, Patricia T. Illing, Priyanka Chaurasia, Hayley A. McQuilten, Chloe Shepherd, Louise C. Rowntree, Jan Petersen, Dene R. Littler, Grace Khuu, Ziyi Huang, Lilith F. Allen, Steve Rockman, Jane Crowe, Katie L. Flanagan, Linda M. Wakim, Thi H. O. Nguyen, Nicole A. Mifsud, Jamie Rossjohn, Anthony W. Purcell, Carolien E van de Sandt and Katherine Kedzierskafiles in



Immunology, Influenza, T Cell, Cytotoxic T-Cell, T Cell Receptor
