Wheat data -nitrogen and sulfur management - for discussion of the MGIDI index

Published: 4 September 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/wgfhn52ntx.1
Tiago Olivoto, Maicon Nardino


This dataset contains the phenotypic means for the experiment described in "Olivoto, T., Carvalho, I. R., Nardino, M., Ferrari, M., Pelegrin, A. J. de, Follmann, D. N., … Souza, V. Q. de. (2016). Sulfur and nitrogen effects on industrial quality and grain yield of wheat. Revista de Ciências Agroveterinárias, 15(1), 24–33. DOI:10.5965/223811711512016024". The experiment tested nitrogen splitting (DR, double ring; T, tillering; and B, booting stage) and sulfur application (with and without sulfur) on agronomic and rheological characteristics with the following columns TRAT: the treatment column. P: Tenacity (mm) L: Extensibility (mm) PL: P/L ratio TIL: number of tillers SSM: spikes per square meter GY: Grain yield (kg/ha) HW: Hectoliter weight W: Gluten strength [W (x10-4 J] GLU: Gluten content (%) PROT: Protein content (%)



Rheological Property, Spring Wheat
