Data for: Evicting the Poor in the ‘Overriding Public Interest’: Crisis of Rights and Interests, and Anti-Planning in Nigerian Cities.
Published: 30 April 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/whc9r64w63.1
VICTOR ONYEBUEKE, Julian Walker, Oliver Ujah, Victoria Ohaeri, Barbara LiepitzDescription
The data of reported cases of displacements in Nigeria is presented in tabular matrix with, on the one hand, nested rows designated as six Sub-regions, 36 States and Abuja FCT, and Case Location/Local Government Area, and, on the other, 14 columns of variables. The rows were itemised correspondingly as follows: Type of infrastructure project; Mode of displacement; Status of displacement; Mechanisms of displacement; Reasons given for displacement; Project funder/initiator; Type of displacement; Number of people/persons affected; Reported social characteristics of people affected; Response of those affected; Action(s) Outcome; Source(s) of information and link; Date(s) reported; and Notes.
Urban Studies, Urban Geography, Urban Planning, Urban Conflict, Urbanization