Trajectories of systemic agent use and associated depression and anxiety-related healthcare costs among patients with psoriasis

Published: 16 June 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/wj7rshfw74.1
Raymond Milan


Supplement materials, tables and figures for the research article "Trajectories of systemic agent use and associated depression and anxiety-related healthcare costs among patients with psoriasis". Contributors: Raymond Milan, BSc, MSc; Jacques LeLorier, MD, PhD; Eric A Latimer, PhD; Marie-Josée Brouillette, MD; Anne Holbrook, MD, PharmD, MSc; Ivan V Litvinov, MD, PhD; Elham Rahme, PhD Supplement material 1: Depression and anxiety-related healthcare costs Supplement Table 1: International classification of diseases (ICD) 9th and 10th edition Supplement Table 2: sensitivity analysis with 5 exposure groups Supplement Table 3: sensitivity analysis excluding the costs of depression- and anxiety- related hospitalizations and ED visits Supplement Figure 1: Study flowchart Supplement Figure 2: Determining the optimal number of clusters



McGill University


Mental Health, Psoriasis, Health Care Cost, Biological Treatment
