Aerosol delivery of star polymer-siRNA nanoparticles as a therapeutic strategy to inhibit lung tumor growth
These datasets were used for the manuscript "Aerosol delivery of star polymer-siRNA nanoparticles as a therapeutic strategy to inhibit lung tumor growth". Here we performed an in-depth characterization of cell uptake, intracellular trafficking, and gene silencing activity of miktoarm star polymer (PDMAEMA-POEGMA) nanoparticles (star nanoparticles) complexed to siRNA in lung cancer cells. We also investigated the potential of nebulized star-siRNA nanoparticles to accumulate into orthotopic mouse lung tumors to inhibit the expression of two genes (βIII-tubulin, PLK1) which: 1) are highly expressed in lung cancer cells; 2) play an important role in promoting tumor growth; and 3) are difficult to inhibit using chemical drugs. All raw data are available below and quantitative analysis can be reproduced from this dataset.