Data for: Oil and gas platforms as artificial substrates for epibenthic North Sea fauna: effects of location and depth
The data were collected through inspection of ROV videos by Floor M.F. Driessen [1]. 1.†††††† Bureau Waardenburg, Varkensmarkt 9, Postbus 365, 4100 AJ Culemborg, The Netherlands. EXPLANATION OF DATASET The data are formatted in a single csv file. It contains 30 columns with 5587 rows, including title row. Each row represents a separate observation of species abundance according to the Braun-Blanquet scale. The dataset contains null values which are indicated with NA. The first 21 columns contain sample information. Columns 22-29 contain information about taxonomic grouping and Column 30 contains the Braun-Blanquet abundance values. Explanation per column (1-30): Observation_number: Unique identification code for each observation. Include_YES_NO: indication whether or not the observation was included in data analysis: YES =included, NO= not included. Country: Country of operation of the offshore gas or oil platform: NL = The Netherlands, DK = Denmark Company: Company operating the offshore gas or oil platform: Maersk Oil or Petrogas E&P LLC. Platform_name: name of the offshore gas or oil platform. Latitude: latitudinal coordinate of the location of the platform in decimal degrees, WGS84. Longitude: longitudinal coordinate of the location of the platform in decimal degrees, WGS84. Distance from Dutch shore: shortest distance from platform to the Dutch shoreline as the crow flies (in km) Distance from Danish shore: shortest distance from platform to the Danish shoreline as the crow flies (in km) Year_of_installation: Year of installation of the gas or oil platform (OSPAR production start) Depth_platform: depth of platform at lowest astronomical tide (LAT) in meters Video_Name: unique video name Video_Date: date on which the ROV video was taken Video_quality: video quality as assessed by the video observer and relative to available video material. 0 = no visibility/black screen, 9 = very good visibility, no limitations for video analysis, NA = unknown. Depth_ROVsample: depth recorded by ROV at which the video was taken. Depth_Range: depth class, e.g. depth between 0 and 5 m corresponds to a depth range of 1. Substrate_type: type of substrate on which observation was made: anode material, concrete, debris, pebbles, rockdump, sand, shells, steel, or unknown (when video quality was very low) Sample_Size: area surveyed in m2. Standard surveyed area is 1x1m, but in some cases the ROV took more detailed (0,25 and 0,5 m2) or less detailed (2 m2) footage. Phylum: phylum of the observed organism. NA= unknown Class: taxonomic class of the identified organism. NA= unknown Order: taxonomic order of the identified organism. NA= unknown Species/taxon: species name of the identified organism. NA= unknown Sp.Indet.: species name or the closest recognizable taxonomic grouping of unidentified species or unknown Braun_Blanquet_Abundance: abundance according to an adapted version of the Braun-Blanquet scale (Schutter et al. 2018)