Toxin candidates identified by DeTox in the single-end transcriptome from the forward unpaired reads of Savalia savaglia's RNAseq

Published: 11 June 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/wn5kbk5ryy.1
Dany Domínguez Pérez,


This dataset contains relevant outputs containing toxin candidates identified by “DeTox: a pipeline for the detection of toxins in venomous organisms” applied to the single-end transcriptome outputs, obtained from the forward broken paired-end RNAseq of the false coral Savalia savaglia. The dataset includes the following files: • DeTox_output_Ss_SE_candidate_toxins.fasta: FASTA file containing sequences of toxin candidates identified in the transcriptome. • DeTox_output_Ss_SE_toxins.tsv: TSV file providing detailed annotations and information on the toxin candidates detected in the transcriptome.


Steps to reproduce

The files deposited in this dataset, were obtained with DeTox v1.1.3, following the workflow of the corresponding article published by Allan Ringeval, et al. DeTox: a pipeline for the detection of toxins in venomous organisms, Briefings in Bioinformatics, Volume 25, Issue 2, March 2024, bbae094,


Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn


Transcriptomics, Protein Annotation


This work was supported by Centro Ricerche ed Infrastrutture Marine Avanzate in Calabria (CRIMAC) - Fondo FSC 2014-2020 - Piano Stralcio «Ricerca e Innovazione 2015-2017» – Programma Nazionale Infrastrutture di Ricerca (PNIR), CUP C64I20000320001.
