LdHU3_protein coding sequences
Published: 30 August 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/wnrm2hk8gs.1
Jose M. RequenaDescription
This dataset contains the location of the protein-coding sequences annotated in the Leishmania donovani (HU3 strain) genome. For additional information, see: Camacho, E., Gonzalez-de la Fuente, S., Rastrojo, A., Peiro-Pastor, R., Solana, J.C., Tabera, L., Gamarro, F., Carrasco-Ramiro, F., Requena, J.M., and Aguado, B. (2019). Complete assembly of the Leishmania donovani (HU3 strain) genome and transcriptome annotation. Sci Rep 9, 6127. PMID: 30992521. The archive should be explored using a genome visualizer like IGV (https://igv.org/) and the L. donovani (HU3) genome (Mendeley data: LdHU3_Genome sequence; http://dx.doi.org/10.17632/b82fm2w2h9.1)
Steps to reproduce
See description (above)
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Genome, Leishmania, Coding (DNA)