Validation of GapFinder Tool: Data Repository Submission

Published: 13 May 2024| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/wnw8j9xky2.3


This submission includes data and supporting materials used in the validation of the GapFinder tool. The validation process involved the analysis of ten scientific articles in PDF format. These documents were processed using the GapFinder tool to extract relevant data, which was then compiled into an Excel spreadsheet named "results.xlsx". Additionally, a video demonstration of the upload and processing of these articles using the tool is provided. This repository aims to offer comprehensive insights into the capabilities and accuracy of the GapFinder tool in processing and analyzing scientific literature.


Steps to reproduce

Access GapFinder: Visit the website at to start the process. Click on the GapFinder Icon: Locate and click on the GapFinder icon on the homepage to proceed to the tool's main interface. Select 'Upload PDF File': On the GapFinder page, choose the 'Upload PDF File' option to begin the process of uploading your scientific papers. Select the Scientific Papers: Browse your computer files to select the PDF documents of the scientific papers you wish to analyze. It is advisable to upload only a few documents at a time to ensure quicker processing. Click on 'Find Gaps': After uploading the papers, click the 'Find Gaps' button to initiate the analysis process. Wait for Processing: The tool will now process the uploaded documents. This may take some time, so please be patient while the GapFinder analyzes the content. View Processed Data: Once processing is complete, a new page will display with the processed data highlighted, showing identified research gaps and relevant insights. Download the Report: Finally, download the report containing the processed data .xlsx for further analysis.


Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo


Artificial Intelligence, Education, Natural Language Processing, Computing
