Risk Factor for Knowlesi Malaria in Sabah Borneo
This is the data collected as part of Doctor of Public Health research thesis, Risk Factors for Plasmodium knowlesi infection in Sabah Borneo, Malaysia. The research was a retrospective population based case control study conducted in Ranau district. The main objective of this study is to identify the risk factors for acquiring P. knowlesi infection in Sabah among the working age group. The research hypothesis was individuals with risk factors (sociodemographic, socioeconomic, knowledge, practice, medical history) are at higher odds than their opposite to acquire P. knowlesi infection in Sabah. The data was collected using pretested questionnaire, capturing mostly binary categorical data, with continuous data for age and income. Bivariate analysis can be conducted with dependent variable Pk Positive and other categorical independent variable using Pearson's Chi Square or binary logistic regression. Multivariable analysis can be conducted using multivariable logistic regression to determine independent predictors. The variables have been coded 1 and 0 according to risk group.
Steps to reproduce
Bivariate analysis can be conducted with dependent variable Pk Positive and other categorical independent variable using Pearson's Chi Square or binary logistic regression. Multivariable analysis can be conducted using multivariable logistic regression to determine independent predictors. The variables have been coded 1 and 0 according to risk group.