Data sheet

Published: 16 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/wrwtvtppgd.1
Mohamed Osama Nour


The research encompassed the general adult population of Saudi Arabia, including individuals between the ages of 18 and 60 years of both genders. Participants were selected from every administrative district in the Kingdom, which stands for the areas in the East, West, Central, South, and North. To ensure the reliability of the data, individuals with clinically evident mental or psychological illness were excluded from the study. Additionally, participants with a body mass index (BMI) of less than 14 or higher than 60, which were regarded as outliers, were also excluded. The study took into account the weighting of different age groups, genders, and population distribution among various regions to achieve a proportionate and nationally representative sample. This method allowed for an acceptable range of ±5% for each subgroup, intending to match the sample composition to the data from the General Authority for Statistics. Out of the 5,896 respondents who completed the survey, 4,683 people (79.4%) satisfied the study's inclusion requirements. Study instrument and Data collection A structured self–self-administered questionnaire was used. It includes: 1– Socio-demographic characteristics such as age in years (18–40 and 41–60 years), gender (male and female), geographical district (Western, Northern, Southern, Central, and Eastern regions), marital status (single, married, and unmarried), occupation (student, working, and not working), education (primary/middle school, high school/diploma, and university/postgraduate), and average monthly income (< 5000 riyals, 5000–10,000 riyals, and > 10,000 riyals). 2– Lifestyle factors such as smoking habit (smoker and nonsmoker) and physical activity (incidental and structured). Incidental (non-planned physical activity) is usually the result of daily activities at home, at work, or during transport. Structured (planned purposeful physical activity) is performed to promote health and fitness. 3– Presence of physician-diagnosed chronic illnesses such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, asthma, hyperlipemia, coronary heart disease, arthritis, cancer, etc. (yes and no). 4– Presence of chronic mental/psychological disease (not included in the analysis). 5– Height in centimeters and weight in kilograms to estimate the BMI as follows [weight in kilograms (kg) divided by height in meters squared (m2)] and these dimensions were self-reported. 6– The depression evaluation tool was Beck’s Depression Inventory–II (BDI–II). Twenty-one items total on a 4-point scale with 0 representing no symptoms and 3 representing severe symptoms. The highest ratings for all 21 items were added to calculate the score with a range of 0–63. Greater scores indicate more severe symptoms.



Descriptive Analysis
