MOLECULAR-CELL-D-18-01227 Boehm et al

Published: 9 November 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/wt7ybwz82g.1


This dataset contains the source data for the manuscript titled "Exon junction complexes suppress spurious splice sites to safeguard transcriptome integrity". The unprocessed and uncompressed imaging data for each main and supplemental figure can be found in the respective figure folder. The PDF files "OverviewMainRawImageData" and "OverviewSupplementRawImageData" in the respective folder provide an overview of all main and supplemental figure images used in this study.


Steps to reproduce

Please see the STAR METHODS section of the article for experimental details.


Molecular Biology, Alternative Splicing, Gene Expression, Messenger RNA, Ribonucleoprotein
