Airway methylation age in lung transplant
Published: 23 September 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/wvg88v67nb.1
, , Ying Gao, Julia Maheshwari, Steven Hays, Lorriana Leard, Mary Ellen Kleinhenz, Rupal Shah, Jeff Golden, , , John GreenlandDescription
We examined whether DNA methylation age in the airways of lung transplant recipients 1 year post transplant was determined by donor or recipient date of birth. We tested if primary graft dysfunction (PGD), defined as PaO2:FiO2 < 200 at 48–72 hours post-transplant, was associated with epigenetic aging or other methylation patten. Airway epithelial cell brushings were cultured to 80% confluence and then DNA was sequenced using the Illumina 450K, Infinium methylationEPIC array. Data were preprocessed in RnBeads, which was also used to calculate Horvath’s epigenetic clock age.
UCSF Cardiovascular Research Institute
Lung Transplantation, Epigenetics