Data for: Evaluating the livelihood impacts of a large-scale agricultural investment: lessons from the case of a biofuel production company in northern Sierra Leone

Published: 21 February 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/wvgtrjp34g.1
Patrick Bottazzi, stephan rist, David Crespo, Leonard Bangura


The dataset is the product of a household survey carried out from June to October 2014 in northern Sierra Leone to evaluate the impact of a large-scale biofuel company on local villagers' livelihoods. The sample consisted of 21 villages outside the perimeter leased by ABSL (control group) and 34 villages within this perimeter (treatment group). We randomly selected approximately 5% of households in both control and ABSL area (from a total of 13,000 households). The sample of compounds was stratified in order to have 50% of landowners and 50% of tenants in each control and treatment villages. We again randomly picked only two households. Data collection was carried out with the support of the University of Makeni and followed their ethical guidelines and protocols. We conducted a total of 882 surveys: 290 in the control villages and 592 in the treatment villages. SL file is the dataset SL_METADATA file is the metadata explaining each variable



Social Sciences
