Images of fresh and non-fresh beef meat samples

Published: 2 August 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/wvhkpppddp.1


Thirty pieces of beef meat were captured in the images. Three cuts were considered: inside skirt, knuckles, and sirloin. We used ten pieces for each cut (5cm by 5cm). Images were captured on the first and the fifth day after purchase. In addition to the original images, we proportionate the set of processed images. The latter were obtained after color calibration and meat segmentation. In total, data consists of 120 images, 60 of them are the originally captured images, and the remaining 60 correspond to the processed ones. Half of the images correspond to fresh meat after purchase, and the other half correspond to non-fresh meat after five days of purchase. Filename: aaaammdd_cut_sample.jpg cut: A (inside skirt), B (knuckle), S (sirloin)


Steps to reproduce

Images were captured using a cabin. It is 3mm thick, black acrylic, and has two LED light tubes that keep the internal light of the booth constant at 640 lm. In addition, it has a mechanism that allows the position of the camera and meat samples to be kept constant, granting freedom of movement in the Z-axis to move the samples away from and closer to the camera. The movement in Z is achieved with a shelving system in which a base can slide every 5mm. The cabin size was decided based on the measurement of the meat containers. It has a particular part on the top that keeps the camera in the same place. All cabin parts are washable and waterproof to allow proper hygiene.


Universidad Panamericana - Aguascalientes


Food Science, Meat Color
