Chaperones directly and efficiently disperse stress-triggered biomolecular condensates

Published: 4 February 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/wvztspxbbd.1
Haneul Yoo


This dataset contains all raw and processed data used to generate figures in the paper "Chaperones directly and efficiently disperse stress-triggered biomolecular condensates" by Yoo et al., Molecular Cell (2022). The dataset also contains custom R (version 3.5.2) scripts for data processing, analysis, and figure generation. 


Steps to reproduce

Unzip the compressed file. The file contains all raw data and custom R scripts for data processing, analysis, and figure generation, organized into separate figure folders. Some data have a separate R code for data processing and exporting data in a tidy format. In those cases the processing code can be found in the subfolder with the raw data (e.g., figure 2 > anisotropy > process_figure2_withoutSse1_ani.Rmd). Figures can be generated in .pdf format by running 'rev-make-figureX.Rmd' or 'make-figureX.Rmd' code in each figure folder. The ordering of the figures may be different from what's shown in the paper. The exact ordering/spacing, text details, and/or gels/blots were added separately using .svg file, which can be found in each figure folder. The data for simulation were generated by a custom Python (version 3.7.7) Jupyter notebook code, which can be found on Github:


University of Chicago


Biochemistry, Heat Shock Protein, Chaperone Protein, Fluorescence Assay, In Vitro Study
