Data for: Line shape parameters for the H2O-H2 collision system for application to exoplanet and planetary atmospheres
The format of the files is: the frequency of the transition, determined using MARVEL energy values (Tennyson et al., 2013), the vibrational and rotational quantum numbers, the half-width (296 K) and its uncertainty (both in cm-1×1000), the line shift (296 K) and its uncertainty (both in cm-1×1000), reference half-width (cm-1×1000), temperature exponent, and its uncertainty for the 200-350 K temperature range, reference half-width (cm-1×1000), temperature exponent, and its uncertainty for the 296-1000 K temperature range, and reference half-width (cm-1 ×1000), temperature exponent, and its uncertainty for the 1000-3000 K temperature range. Lines were written in FORTRAN using the format statement: FORMAT(F12.6,1x,2A6,2(3I3),2(2F8.2),3(F8.2,2F7.3)).