code: qad: An R-package to detect asymmetric and directed dependence in bivariate samples
Supporting code for the manuscript "qad: An R-package to detect asymmetric and directed dependence in bivariate samples" by Florian Griessenberger, Wolfgang Trutschnig, and Robert R. Junker published in Methods in Ecology and Evolution. Supplementary information 1: R-Code (Supplementary information 1.R) including data generation from the studied dependence structures for the empirical experiments on extreme settings and power analysis. Supplementary information 2: Additional R-Code and shiny app (dep_measures.R and app.R) for studying the empirical behaviour of the eight dependence measures on various dependence structures, noise levels and sample sizes. Supplementary information 3: Short description of the dependence measures and additional results/plots of the comparison with other dependence measures (dependence scores in extreme settings, empirical power analysis and runtime analysis).