Data from: Identifying personality traits and behavioural syndromes in a threatened freshwater fish (Nannoperca vittata) through comparative analysis with a model species (Poecilia reticulata): implications for conservation

Published: 25 June 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/wy4nx8j7xm.1
Alan Lymbery


The Excel file provided here contains data used in a study of the repeatabilities and correlations among behavioural traits in western pygmy perch (Nannoperca vittata), a threatened freshwater fish species endemic to south-western Australia, and the guppy (Poecilia reticulata), a species frequently used in personality research. Each fish (48 of each species) was measured four times for each of seven behavioural traits, which were presumed to reflect five underlying personality traits. Track length (TL) was used as a measure of activity; time spent in a risky zone (RZ) and time to emergence (ET) as measures of boldness; latency to approach to a novel object (LA) and time spent close to the object (TS) as measures of exploration; time spent close to a mirror (CV) as a measure of sociability; and number of attacks (AT) launched at the mirror as a measure of aggression.



Murdoch University


Animal Behavior, Freshwater Biology, Animal Personality, Fish Behavior
