Critical Materials for Clean-Energy Technologies in Central Asia: Geological Potential, Reserves, Production and Export

Published: 24 November 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/wy54s5tpxb.1
Roman Vakulchuk,


This dataset contains detailed information on: (1) geological potential and proven reserves of critical materials used in clean-energy technologies by each Central Asian country; (2) current production by country and its share in the global supply; and (3) export trends in Central Asia.


Steps to reproduce

The dataset derives their data from national databases built by the ministries of natural resources of the Central Asian countries, the British Geological Survey, US Geological Survey, Statista, World Mining Data, reports of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative [EITI]), Soviet and national geological encyclopedias and other sources.


OSCE Academy, Norsk Utenrikspolitisk institutt


Central Asia, Lithium, Energy Transition, Rare Earth Element, Mining, Clean Technology
