Dataset for "Spatial Diversity of Yunnan’s Fern and Lycophyte diversity coincides with Environmental Disparity"
Table S1 The identity of the county (FID), the county name applied in analysis, official county name, official county name in Chinese, official prefecture name, official prefecture name in Chinese, longitude, latitude, number of specimens, number of species, number of genera, number of families, area of county (km2), area weighed species, mean turnover based on Simpson dissimilarity index, mean nestedness-resultant, mean diversity based on Sørensen dissimilarity index, area weighted diversity indices (Mean SIM/AC, Mean SNR/AC, Mean SOR/AC), tropicality indices such as percentage of species with temperate affinity (Te. Sp.), semi-temperate affinity (Se-Te. Sp.), tropical affinity (Tr. Sp.) and semi-tropical affinity (Se-Tr. Sp.) for each county, twenty-four environmental variables (DEM, Slope, Canopy, WWP, Thermicity, PET, PET Seasonality, Growingday5, Emberger, Continentality, BIO14, Aet Seasonality, Aet, Arid, BIO1, BIO3, BIO4, BIO5, BIO6, BIO12, BIO13, BIO15, Treedensity, Karst Per Area) are listed for 124 counties in Yunnan. Six counties with no records and five counties with less than three species records are excluded from the analysis and results are applied as NA. The detail explanation of all environmental variables is described in the table. The tropicality indices are based on the proportion outside the range of the tropic of Cancer and tropic of Capricorn, for instance they are defined by the result of subtraction from the proportion of availability inside the tropics assigning temperate (-1 ≤ TI ≤ -0.5), semi-temperate (-0.5 < TI ≤ 0), semi-tropical (0 < TI ≤ -0.5) and tropical (0.5 < TI ≤ 1). Table S2 The occurrence of lineage, order, family, genus and species regarding to the county and prefecture in Yunnan. The identity of the county (FID) is the same as in table S1 that they can be linked. Table S3 Tropicality index (TI) as defined in Kerkhoff et al. 2014 is calculated based on the differences of weighted distribution range in tropical and temperate region of global occurrences of 1,312 species recorded in Yunnan. TI defines as temperate (-1 ≤ TI ≤ -0.5), semi-temperate (-0.5 < TI ≤ 0), semi-tropical (0 < TI ≤ -0.5) and tropical (0.5 < TI ≤ 1).