Slug Liquid Holdup

Published: 8 March 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/wyfdm5ysh6.1
Ghassan Abdul-Majeed


Experimentally measured HLS data from 22 different studies are made available as a dataset for the present study. Each data point consists of the measured HLS for a given set of VSG, VSL, µL, D, Ø, σL, ρL and ρG. The dataset covers flow direction from horizontal to vertical, liquid viscosity from 1 mPa.s to 5300 mPa.s and surface tension from 27.5 to 72 mN/m. The ranges of the other flow parameter are: VSG (0.046-15.308) m/s, VSL (0.0155-3.048) m/s, D (0.0254-0.1) m, ρL (800-1000) kg/m4 and ρG (1-4) kg/m3. The HLS was measured using capacitance sensors, which were dynamically calibrated by using quick closing ball valves. Two types of capacitance sensors were adopted in the included studies, namely: two-wire and ring type sensors. Most of the experimental studies included in the present paper preferred using two-wire sensor due to its easy static calibration as compared to the ring type sensor.


Steps to reproduce

Experimentally measured HLS data from 22 different studies are made available as a dataset for the present study. Each data point consists of the measured HLS for a given set of VSG, VSL, µL, D, Ø, σL, ρL and ρG. The dataset consists of 2699 data points, covering broad ranges of the above mentioned variables


University of Baghdad


Slug Flow
