Examples for conflicts: Results from Microscopic traffic flow simulation, conflict analysis and nanoscopic simulation
This dataset contains the following data for a selection of conflicts: microscopic traffic flow simulation results (folder Microscopic), conflict analysis results (table Conflict_analysis.xlsx) and nanoscopic simulation results (folder Nanoscopic). Due to the large filesizes of the full data for all conflicts, a handful or interesting conflicts were selected. Where relevant, results of the driving dynamics in nanoscopic simulation are supplied. The nanoscopic simulation of the treatment included a safety system in both primary conflict vehicles. This system triggers at TTC <= 1s and features a brake release functionality. In the following, the selected conflict indices are stated with an explanation why these conflicts were selected: 4: A situation with no collision event in the baseline. In the treatment, no system activation took place. The driving dynamics are supplied only for the baseline. For the treatment, they are equal. 623: An example for a new collision. Both the baseline and treatment are supplied in the driving dynamics. 1723: One situation in the cluster of collision events shown in Figure 11. Only the baseline is supplied as driving dynamics. 2473: A situation where the collision in the baseline was avoided (i.e. no collision in the treatment). Both the baseline and treatment are supplied in the driving dynamics. 2572: A collision event with low Δv. Only the baseline is supplied as driving dynamics. 2613: Changed collision. In the treatment, the collision occurred between different traffic participants than in the baseline. Both the baseline and treatment are supplied in the driving dynamics. 2709: Unchanged collision. A collision occurs between the same traffic participants in the baseline and treatment. Both the baseline and treatment are supplied in the driving dynamics.