This data relates to international air traveller's perception of airport security measures and its relationship to intention to recommend and satisfaction. The questionnaire consisted of four parts. The first part covered general demographic information. The second part queried perceptions airport security checks, the third part comprised of a question regarding satisfaction and the fourth part a question regarding willingness to recommend the airport. A 5 point Likert-type scale in the range was 1 – not at all to 5- very large extent was deployed for the items assessing perceptions of airport security following the SERVPERF scale (Cronin & Taylor, 1992). A Likert-type scale of 1 to 10 was used to assess satisfaction. Intention to recommend was rated against a five point Likert scale of 1 – highly unlikely to 5 – very likely. Respondents were randomly selected departing international air travellers who had just completed the last airport security screening checkpoint and were located in the boarding gates of the airport. Screening questions checked that respondents were above 18 years and their comfort in taking a survey the English language. Participation was voluntary and no incentives were offered. Data was collected between 26 November and 31 December of 2020 at all times of airport activity. 460 air travellers were approached using the random number table. 429 responses were received, with 45 scripts removed due to incompleteness, leaving 384 completed scripts for analysis.
Steps to reproduce
The survey instrument was assessed by marketing professionals, and airport management prior to roll-out. Once university approval to collect data was received, the researcher approached the airport operator with a request to collect data and a summarised objective and methodology of the study. Once approval to access the security restricted areas of the airport was given the researcher conducted a pretest of the instrument amongst frequent fliers of the national carrier. The researcher identified the seating areas in the 17 airport departure gates at two international airports located in Nairobi and Mombasa using the random number table as a guide. Seats were then marked discreetly to identify that air travellers who sat at the identified seats were to be approached. Trained assistants were deployed and adequately identified using well marked slipovers and airport identity badges. Respondents were approached at the boarding areas based on a timetable of international flights availed by the airport operator. Those who consented to participate in the survey were screened for their English language competence as well as their age. Only those above the age of 18 years were allowed to participate. This survey did not include any air travellers located in restaurants, shops or any other recreational areas of the airport. Moreover, airport staff and service providers were excluded.