Impact of historic sediment characterisation on predicting polychaete distributions: a case study of so-called muddy habitat shovelhead worms (Annelida: Magelonidae)
Published: 2 May 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/wzt3bsgmky.1
Kimberley MillsDescription
This dataset is associated with the publication 'Impact of historic sediment characterisation on predicting polychaete distributions: a case study of so-called muddy habitat shovelhead worms (Annelida: Magelonidae)' and contains: 1. Verified records (species identification has been checked) of Magelona alleni and Magelona minuta (xlsx) 2. R script of sediment and depth parameters from Magelona alleni and Magelona minuta for verified (i.e. BIÔMOR) records
Cardiff University School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Amguedffa Cymru
Ecology, Marine Biodiversity, Annelida