Data for: Stopped dead in their tracks: The impact of railways on Testudine movement and behavior
This dataset includes .csv spreadsheets (x4) of raw data collected for analysis in the manuscript "Stopped dead in their tracks: The impacts of railways on Testudine movement and behavior" and the R coding used to analyze the data. The files are as follows: 1. Behavior.csv: This contains the raw data obtained from continuous focal behavioral sampling of Gopher Tortoises placed inside of railways. 2. CameraData.xlsx: This contains the raw data obtained from game camera photos taken at a trench dug underneath an inactive railway as a management strategy to reduce their impacts. 3. This contains all the game camera photos taken along the railway. 4. StoppedDeadintheirTracks.R: This file is the R script used to analyze the data for all parts of this study. 5. Telemetry.csv: This contains the raw data obtained from radio-telemetry of Gopher Tortoises at Kennedy Space Center. The R code thins this data to those found around railways for analysis. 6. Tortoises.csv: This contains the unique individual tortoises captured and marked at Kennedy Space Center. The R code this this data to look at those only found around the railways or used in the behavioral sampling