Automatic Thoughts, Academic Competence, and Social Competence in Modelling Social Anxiety in Adolescents
Data set of "Automatic Thoughts, Academic Competence, and Social Competence in Modelling Social Anxiety in Adolescents" Hypotheses of Study Automatic thoughts indirectly affect social competence through academic competence (Hypothesis 1). Academic competence indirectly affects social anxiety through social competence (Hypothesis 2). Automatic thoughts indirectly affect social anxiety through multiple mediations of academic and social competence (Hypothesis 3). The Scales Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents; (SAS-A) was used to measure the level of social anxiety in adolescents (La Greca & Lopez, 1998). The scale consists of 22 items in three sub- dimensions: Fear of Negative Evaluation, Social Avoidance and Distress-New, and Social Avoidance and Distress General. Automatic Thoughts The Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire (ATQ) developed by Hollon and Kendall (1980) was used to measure the automatic thoughts of the participants. The scale aims to measure the most common automatic thoughts associated with depression and negative self-evaluations. The scale consists of five factors: negative self-concept, confusion and escape fantasies, personal maladjustment and desire for change, loneliness/isolation, and giving up/helplessness. Academic and Social Competence The academic and social competence of the participants were measured with the Perceived Competence Scale (PCS) developed by Özer et al. (2016). Consisting of 30 items, the scale has two sub-dimensions: academic competence and social competence. Description of variable AC-P3 Academic competence Parcel 3, AC-P2 Academic competence Parcel 2, AC-P1 Academic competence Parcel 1, SC-P3 Social Competence Parcel 3, SC-P2 Social Competence Parcel 2, SC-P1 Social Competence Parcel 1, ATQ-G Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire Giving up/Helplessness, ATQ-L Automatic Thoughts-Loneliness/Isolation, ATQ-P Automatic Thoughts-Personal Maladjustment and Desire For Change, ATQ-C Automatic Thoughts-Confusion and Escape Fantasies, ATQ-N Automatic Thoughts-Negative Self-concept, SA-General Social Anxiety-Social Avoidance And General Anguish, SA-New Social Anxiety-Social Avoidance And Anguish In New Situations, SA-FNE Social Anxiety- Fear Of Negative Evaluation
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Data were started to be collected face-to-face in classrooms, but due to the COVID-19 outbreak, data continued to be collected online