The dataset of a novel tidal model for long-strip DInSAR measurement by integrating tidal constituent estimation of the GPS network and empirical models
DInSAR.mat is the original differential interferogram data; DInSAR_Atmos.mat is the original differential interferogram after atmospheric delay error correction; OTLDInSAR.mat is the OTL correction of the proposed ocean tidal loading model; SETDInSAR.mat is the SET correction of the solid earth tidal model; GPSPPPphasor.mat is the Phasors estimated by kinematic PPP technique; Modelphasor.mat is the Phasors estimated by empirical FES2014b+usawest.osu tidal model; GPSPPPphasor_predicQ1O1N2M2.mat is the predicted Phasors of the tidal constituent Q1, O1, N2, M2.
Steps to reproduce
Step1. The phasors of the tidal constituents estimated from kinematic PPP time series, which are saved in GPSPPPphasor.mat Step2. The phasors of the tidal constituents estimated by empirical FES2014b+usawest.osu tidal model, which is saved in Modelphasor.mat Step3. The predicted phasors of the tidal constituents Q1,O1,N2,M2 of the GPS reference sites network based on the spatial variation characteristics of the phasors of tidal model, which is saved in GPSPPPphasor_predicQ1O1N2M2.mat Step4. The original differential interferograms are saved in DInSAR.mat, the original differential interferogram after atmospheric delay error correction; are saved in DInSAR_Atmos.mat Setp5. The original differential interferograms after atmospheric delay error, OTL and SET correction can be calculated by the corresponding matrix in DInSAR_Atmos.mat+OTLDInSAR.mat+SETDInSAR.mat