Supporting Information to: Modelling and optimization of UV absorbing photovoltaic windows using a thin film AlN:Eu3+ luminescence library
This is the supplement to "Modelling and optimization of UV absorbing photovoltaic windows using a thin film AlN:Eu3+ luminescence library" by Evert Merkx, Thomas Lensvelt, and Erik van der Kolk. This dataset contains supplementary information on the temperature during depostion, the luminescence improvement after a heat treatment, a description on how from a grid of transmission data absorption can be retrieved, a further discussion on how an LSC with a quantum yield of 1 at 0 at.% Eu concentration performs, and XRD data on the crystallinity of the sample (Supplement.pdf). Furthermore, this dataset contains the raw datasets (.xlsx) files that make up Figures 2 to 5 of the article. This comprises: * EDX.xlsx - All data from the fitting of the energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), * Luminescence.xlsx - Raw emission and excitation measurements for selected points and the associated transitions, * Transmission.xlsx - Data and locations for the fitted transmission data, * Transmission_local.xlsx - Raw data and for transmission at selected locations, * Decay.xlsx - Data and locations for the reported mean decay times, including the raw data for selected points, * Heat_treatment.xlsx - Raw integrated data on the emission strength of the material library.