Vibration and Motor Current Dataset of Rolling Element Bearing Under Varying Speed Conditions for Fault Diagnosis: Subset2
This dataset discloses vibration and motor current data for bearing faults under varying speed conditions from 680 RPM to 2460 RPM. The bearing conditions include healthy bearing, bearings with inner race faults, and bearings with outer race faults. For each faulty bearing condition, the three-phase induction motor is operated under randomly varying speed conditions. Important: Datasets are divided into three parts because of storage limitations (Subset1, Subset2, and Subset3). ---- Description of vibration file format ---- Vibration data file contains five columns namely ‘Time Stamp’, ‘x_direction_housing_A’, ‘y_direction_housing_A’, ‘x_direction_housing_B’, and ‘y_direction_housing_B’. The unit of the vibration is ‘gravitational constant (g)’. vibration_aaaa_bbbb.csv : This file is "bbbb"-th vibration data includes rotating speed data of the condition of "aaaa". ---- Description of motor current file format ---- Motor current data file contains five columns namely ‘Time Stamp’, ‘R_phase’, ‘S_phase’, and ‘T_phase’. The unit of the motor current is ‘Ampare (A)’. current_aaaa_bbbb.csv : This file is "bbbb"-th motor current data includes rotating speed data of the condition of "aaaa". ---- Description of rotating speed file format ---- Rotating speed data file contains two columns namely ‘Time Stamp’, and ‘speed’. The unit of the acoustic is revolutions per minute (RPM)’. rpm_aaaa_bbbb.csv : This file is "bbbb"-th speed data includes rotating speed data of the condition of "aaaa". For more detailed information, check our published paper. Title: Vibration, Acoustic, Temperature, and Motor Current Dataset of Rotating Machine Under Varying Operating Conditions for Fault Diagnosis Link: