Data Set -assessing the validity of self-reported social media use

Published: 10 October 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/x3wxfycggn.1
Tamsin Mahalingham


Aim: Examine the degree of association between single self-estimate social media use, the problematic use of social networking scale and objective mobile social media use in a sample of both Android and iPhone users. Variable Description Variable Name (w) = variable winzorised Gender (Female = 1, Male = 2, not specified = 3) Android v iPhone (iPhone user = 1, Android user = 2) SR_SM_use_minutesweek = self-report single-estimate of weekly mobile social media use ("On average, how many hours a week do you think you spend viewing social media on your phone?") PUSNS_# = problematic use of social networking scale item # PUSNS = problematic use of social networking scale total TST = total mobile screen time over last 7 days Facebook = total mobile Facebook use over last 7 days Instagram = total mobile Instagram use over last 7 days Snapchat = total mobile Snapchat use over last 7 days Twitter = total mobile Twitter use over last 7 days TikTok = total mobile TikTok use over last 7 days SMU = objective mobile social media use (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, TikTok) over last 7 days PickUps = total smartphone pick-ups over last 7 days


Steps to reproduce

SR_SM_use_minutesweek: The question was presented to participants as follows: “On average, how many hours a week do you think you spend viewing social media on your phone?”. This number was then converted to minutes. PUSNS: Problematic use of social networking scale ( Vernon et al., 2015; Vernon et al., 2016) SMU: Screentime spent using Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter and Tik Tok over the past week (no less than 6 days). Obtained using the screentime function for iPhone users and via the app "App Usage" for Android users.


Curtin University


Psychology, Social Media
