Data from 9,549 financial and audit reports of Serbian business entities from the periods 2016-2018
The data from 9,549 complete sets of annual financial statements are combined with the data from the corresponding audit reports, forming an unbalanced panel data set. The client companies included in the sample represent a supermajority of medium and large-sized companies registered in the Republic of Serbia. Information on the name of the auditing firm, the type of auditor, the date of audit, and the type of audit opinion is hand-collected from the audit reports issued by 77 audit firms (the Big 4 plus 73 other auditing firms), which, again, represents a supermajority of all the auditing firms registered in this country. In the total sample of audit opinions (6,343), the following frequencies of the four main types of audit opinions are observed: an adverse opinion (50), a disclaimer of opinion (344), a qualified opinion (1,278), and an unqualified opinion (4,671). Additionally, most common financial indicators are calculated based on the collected financial statements. Feel free to use it for research purposes or to reproduce the results presented in the article. For a detailed description of the variables and their descriptive statistics, please read the article: Empirical Data on Financial and Audit Reports of Serbian Business Entities. Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific Conference - FINIZ 2020, 193–198. When referring to the data set in publications, please cite the article. These data are used in a research study and may not be redistributed or used for commercial purposes. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at