Mixed-methods data from case study on demand response in three Danish residential buildings
This data was gathered to investigate residents’ perception and acceptance of the fluctuating indoor air temperature behaviour inherent in EMPC of space heating. Physical measurements were logged in the primary rooms (kitchen, living room and hallway) of three residential buildings during February 2021, see the file Physical measurements for the time series data. The data consist of indoor air temperature, CO2, relative humidity, window opening, radiator thermostat air temperatures, radiator thermostat set points and energy consumption, see Figure 1 in Experimental setup for location of equipment. The first week of February 2021 was a reference week, where residents were not exposed to temperature interventions. During the next three weeks, the residents were exposed to four different indoor air temperature interventions on Monday to Thursdays. The interventions were repeated three times, in a new order each week, see Table 1 in Experimental setup. Off (2h) interventions were executed from 5 to7 am, and the three other interventions were executed from 7 to 9 am, where the temperature was raised 1-2 °C for 1-2 hours. A background questionnaire was used prior to the experimental period to obtain general knowledge about participants’ daily routines, indoor comfort, attitude towards energy consumption, and control preferences and routines related to the indoor environment. A daily “Right-here-right-now” questionnaire was used to investigate residents’ perception of the indoor thermal environment during temperature boosts.
Steps to reproduce
Table 2 in the document Experimental setup shoes the sensors that was used to gather physical measurements. They were continuously logged every 5 minutes and stored online. Questionnaires were answered via the service SurveyXact and a link to these were sent via email or SMS to the participants.